Amanda and I were recently able to purchase a generator in Ethiopia for use once we arrive on the field this summer . Because of the frequent and lengthy power outages, it is very important to have a generator and recently the prices have dropped drastically. Our missionary friends in Ethiopia felt that the prices would not stay at this low rate for too long so we went ahead and purchased one. Blake Fortner, whose family recently arrived in Ethiopia, just purchased one and he went ahead and picked up ours as well. The total cost of this purchase was $2500, which is several thousand less than we thought it would be. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
We went ahead and wired the money over because we felt we could not miss this opportunity. We do have money set aside for our move although not specifically for the generator. If you or your Church would be willing to help us toward this purchase we would be most grateful! You can send any donations into the BBFI missions office, PO Box 191, Springfield MO 65801
Special thanks to Blake Fortner and Eric Shadle for their help in taking care of the generator for us as we are in still in the states.
And here it is...isn't it a beauty?!