Why Ethiopia

That is one question that we get asked a lot. Obviously much prayer went into this decision but so much more also went into it. As mentioned, our friendship with Jon Konnerup who at the time was an associate missions director before becoming the current missions director, had a lot to do with it. The history of the BBFI in Ethiopia is very strong dating back to the 1950’s. After the missionaries were forced to leave, many prayed that one day they would be able to come back. In the 1990’s when Ethiopia was open again, several families went back to see what could be done to spread the Gospel.

For us, our strong desire to come to Ethiopia was largely in part to help those missionaries that had served here faithfully for so many years. Also, in a country of 85 million people, a majority of them were children. We had a burden to see these children learn about Jesus Christ and in turn, give them the Hope that is only found in Christ.

Our experience in Ethiopia has been an awesome learning opportunity. God has taught us many things about this wonderful and historic country. The people here are amazing and we are honored to be serving our Lord is this beautiful place. 

So, when asked "Why Ethiopia?!?!"...we say, why not??