The last few weeks have been very busy here. Here's a quick version....
...Last Saturday we had our first marriage conference at Bethel. We had twenty-six in attendance which was fantastic. The material we used was call What Did You Expect? by Paul Tripp. We are very familiar with Tripp and would recommend this study to anyone...
I turned 35 last Saturday. I guess that is all I really can say about that. Can't believe it, creeping closer to 40 :) Michael Jordan turned 50 on Sunday. Not that we celebrate our birthdays together or anything, but it was worth mentioning. I just realized that until my dad's birthday in June, he is 70 and I am 35. With the large amount of wisdom my dad has, I hope I can learn even a portion of what he has in his 70 years...
Many of you are dealing with winter storms. Now, I will tell you that I do miss the winter and the cold weather, so I am not trying to mock you. But...the weather here is about as beautiful as it can get temps in the mid to upper 70's and at night down in the mid 50's. The Sun is intense because of our close location to the equator, so it feels hotter and you can burn easy, but it still feels great. Three months out of the year we do deal with a large amount of rain which causes everything to be a big giant muddy mess, so it all balances out...
Friday night we had our Friday Family Fun Night at Bethel. We watched The Lorax and everyone brought snacks. It was a nice time to get together as a church family...
We are still trying to figure out what to do about a church building. The building we have been looking at is nice but we are hesitant because of the owner. The price has changed a couple of times and we just don't feel completely comfortable with him. Please pray! Three weeks ago we had sixteen children (9-12 years old) and one teacher in a room that was about 8x8. Standing room only and I mean that literally :)
Lastly, we are still trying to raise the needed funds for Jackson's school. Can you help with this? The amount we are trying to raise is $6,915 with $3,000 of that being a one time new student fee. Jackson is so very excited about going to school, which is bitter sweet for us. On Tuesday March 5th we have an appointment at the school so they can visit with Jackson. If you can help us raise this needed amount we would be so grateful!
Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the snow. Throw a snow ball for us :)