So, let me try to explain how our water works... In the top left you see where it all begins. Near our gate is the faucet which is strictly "street" water. When water comes out, the street water is on and when there is nothing coming out than we have NO street water .By the way, the faucet is ON in the picture but the street water was off hence, there is no water pouring out...and so our need for an extra tank. This doesn't mean that the house and the compound are out of water, but it does mean that if we don't preserve the water, than we will be completely out UNTIL the street water is turned on again. The picture of the tank is one that sits behind our house and is filled by the street water via the piping that runs underground. Usually when the street water is turned on you will start to hear this tank fill up after several minutes. The street water goes into the tank, then the small blue pump helps push the water up to the top of the house where there is another tank on top. This tank you see is 1500 liters while the one on top is 2000 liters. The tank on top is what is used in the house, and when it is empty a sensor inside will tell the tank on the ground to send up water. Our plan is to use the new water tank on top of the existing ground water tank (sort of like a bunk bed), therefore adding 1500 liters. The picture on the bottom is of me, Tafare (pronounced Tafara) on the left, and his brother Amare (Amara) on the right. Both of these men have done a great deal of work for us and several other friends as well. They are good, hardworking and honest people who can pretty much do anything you need them to do. They are awesome painter, builders, and all around handymen! Both are very strict Orthodox, so both desperately need Jesus in their lives. Stay tuned for more exciting pictures of water works!
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