11:18 here in Kenya, as Sunday winds down. Amanda continues to progress and they moved her into a private room tonight. The room is much better than where she was, there is a couch and I will be sleeping on it. The section of the hospital we are in is called the Princess Zahra Pavilion, and while it is better than HDU it is not necessarily a magic kingdom. Amanda's blood count is still low so they are try to give her boosters to increase it. She is doing better, but just still very weak.
Special thanks goes out to the two families that have been a big help to us while here. Ole and Renee Konnerup have served here in Kenya for over 35 years. If the name sounds familiar, it should. Ole grew up in Ethiopia as his family served there as missionaries in the early days. His dad still holds a special place among the Ethiopian pastors. Ole is also the brother of Jon Konnerup, who is the missions director of the BBFI. Ole and Renee have done a great job here in Kenya, they have faithfully stayed the course for so many years.
Jim and Sybil Eberhard have lived here for over 5 years and have also been a big help to us. Jim and Sybil crossed paths with us back in College, and they have been in ministry for over 30 years. They work extremely hard here pouring their lives into the people here.
It is really exciting and humbling when you are able to see the body of Christ in action. So many people around the world praying and sending amazing emails and comments to us. Those in Ethiopia who put aside their own plans to work around the clock to help us, and those here in Kenya who have sat with us, allowed me to stay with them, washed our clothes and helped feed us. Pretty amazing stuff how the Bible comes to action through His people.
Almost midnight here, will update again tomorrow. Amanda is asleep right now, pray for rest and continued strength.
God is good.