03 January 2015

Amanda Update #1 - January 1

Many of you know that Amanda is in the hospital, wanted to give you more details as well. This is an email I sent out. 
For the last week or so Amanda has been dealing with a cold/sinus infection which has been going around. She has slowly been getting better, tired though but started to feel better. On New Years Eve we were planning on going to Dwayne and Tammy's to celebrate for lunch (Wednesday afternoon here, 8 hours ahead of EST). That morning she decided to stay home just to rest, although she was feeling a bit better. I took the boys down and Amanda stayed home. I called her at 12:45 pm and she was feeling fine, in fact she told me not to keep worrying about her. When we arrived home later that afternoon, she was just tired since she just woke up. She seemed ok but a bit more weaker than before. She went to bed though and her sugar was high, so we gave her some insulin to bring it down. She went to sleep for a while but woke up throwing up, and then went back to sleep. As the night progressed, she woke up more and was sick to her stomach although she had not been eating much. She had been drinking plenty of fluids, pedialyte, etc to keep hydrated. We though maybe that helped cause her sugar to go up. Around 4 am when she woke up sick I decided we needed to go to the hospital, although she didn't want to go. At this point she just seemed to be out of it a bit, so I called Eric and Amanda and they came over to help get her to the hospital. She really didn't know what was going on, so she was very much opposed to going and tried to not leave. We were able to get her her on a stretcher because she refused to walk downstairs with us to the car (Again, she didn't know what was going on). We arrived at the hospital (Korean Hospital) and they started her on an IV. Her sugar was high still and because she is a diabetic she was having issues as a result.

We were able to admit her yesterday afternoon to ICU and they have been monitoring her. Her sugar started to go down, last night it was around 140 and today it was a bit over 200 (because some of the other medication they have been given her caused it to go up). She did have a temperature but it has went back down. One thing that is different here is the fact that if the doctor needs a certain medication and the hospital does not have it, then we have to run to the pharmacy to get it. Thankfully several people have been able to make runs to local pharmacies to get the medicine or to replace the medicine the Doctors used. 

The hospital here has down a good job with the care for here, and she had a good night sleeping. She is more responsive (Friday morning) and is doing better. Because of the lack of proper medical equipment, we have felt it best to head to Kenya to a better hospital there. Right now test results show that she has some form of pneumonia which has been causing issues for her kidneys and has also caused her to be confused as well. Her Keytone levels were really good this morning which is a huge praise. We are in the process of waiting for confirmation of when we will be leaving for Kenya, I will be going with Amanda and the boys will be staying with Dwayne and Tammy and Eric & Amanda as well as Mark & Katie will be helping with the boys. We when arrive at Kenya that will be doing some more tests and also most likely a kidney dialysis. The hospital in Kenya will be a better place to help Amanda and we have two missionary families in Kenya that Eric and Dwayne have been in contact with that will be helping us with the process. 

Amanda is showing improvements which is a big praise. It will help with the flight to Kenya, which will only be a couple of hours. 

Words cannot begin to express my gratitude to everyone who has helped throughout this. The BBFI missions office has been a huge help in preparation for the med vac, they have been in constant communication with myself and Eric and Dwayne. One of the associate mission directors, Tim Long has been helping us out greatly getting everything set up. So very grateful for all  help of the missions office, it has been a huge encouragement and we are incredible blessed to have them on our side. 

Also, so many people here have been a huge blessing to us. Dawit and Wudeya has helped a great deal in working on this end with the med vac and getting all the red tape taken care of. They have made countless phone calls to help get everything organized. Because of Dawit work in the medical field he and Wudeya have been able to explain everything to us in great deal as well.  Eric & Amanda has been a big help with phone calls and medicine, Amanda and Wudeya stayed at the hospital last night as well. Dwayne and Tammy have also been a big help with medicine and contacting a variety of people in the States and in Kenya, and for helping out with the boys last night.  It is very humbling for these families to be willing to help us in our time of need. They have went above and beyond to make this as easy of a transition as possible. They have been with us at the hospital throughout this difficult time and have really been a big blessing to me personally. 

There have also been many people who have stopped by the hospital to check on her and pray with her. Ray Hoover, who has been here for several years stopped by yesterday and spent a great deal of time sitting with us and sitting with Amanda. Many people from our church have come to sat with us, many friends outside of our church stopped by as well.  Hennock, who is one of our church members helped get the ambulance set up at 4 am and has made several trips for us to and from the hospital. 

I will never be able to thank them enough. 

Please continue to pray for Amanda, I know there are so many people around the world who have been lifting her up in prayer. The events that caused us to take her to the hospital came on very quickly, but we are grateful for God's guidance and strength. 

I will do my best to continue to update you. Once we arrive in Kenya I will do my best to get internet and update everyone. 

So very grateful for all of you, thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers. This is not how we wanted to start 2015, but we are praying God gives us the continued grace and trust moving forward. 

Love each one of you greatly, thankful for the family of God. 

God is good. 


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