16 July 2008

Ethiopia E-mail #1

I was so excited this morning when I woke up to see this e-mail!
We are here and doing well. I slept well last night compared to 2004! Eric is my roommate. We had bugs in our bed, but other than that and an uncomfortable bed, it was ok. We are going to SIM today to see if they have any room, if they do than we might move. I am emailing you from Dawit's shop. The city has grown some and even looks more modern. The airport is alot nicer and there weren't as many beggars outside the airport. The city even has a McDonald's from what we here! It seems like it is a bit nicer than before. Last night when we arrive we ate injera. It was good! We ate outside by a fire. Today, we went to a cafe for breakfast...I got toast. The plane ride was long! We had NO layovers so it was about 15 hours on the same plane which included a refuel. It was okay...but very cramped and full!
Hope everything is going well. I love you and miss you very much. Tell M&M hello!"
...I am so thankful for the modern ways of communication like e-mail! I know that 20 years ago or so I wouldn't have had the luxury of talking to my husband who is half way around the world! I will keep you posted...

15 July 2008

They have arrived!

I got a call tonight about 4:30pm from Craig...man, was it good to hear his voice!  The team arrived safe and sound in Addis Ababa and were getting ready to go to bed.  
Thank you all so much for you prayers for all of the men's safety!
And, of course, I will update the blog as Craig updates me via e-mail!

14 July 2008

Next Stop: Ethiopia

It's hard for me to believe that it has been 4 years since we took our first trip to Ethiopia! Time has flown it seems. As most of you already know, Craig is on his way to Ethiopia in search of a home, a vehicle, and much, much more. I will try my best to keep the blog updated as to his travels and adventures. And there are sure to be adventures...he is making this trip with 6 other men!
Please keep them in your prayers and I know that you are...we have received so many precious e-mails and cards with encouraging words and prayers!
Waiting (anxiously, I might add) to let you know that they have arrived safe and sound,