30 December 2014

Remembering 2014...

Looking back on 2014, what word would you use to describe it? Exciting? Disappointing? Think about it for a second and come up with an answer. A one word answer to describe how you would view 2014. I know for me there has been a moment at the end of a year where I look back and feel that I really blew it. Perhaps I wasn't spiritual growing where I wanted to be, perhaps it was an especially difficult year.

How would you view 2014? For me I suppose I know what word I would use:


2014 for our family was a more challenging year than most. While we anticipated visiting America and spending time with family and friends, we found it to be harder than we expected. For us, medical issues were a focus for us while in the States and we we arrived back to Ethiopia in September, we arrived completely worn out. We now will finish 2014 battling colds and serious water issues that has seen us have about 6 days of water in the last 2 months.


Exodus 14:13-14 says this: "And Moses said to the people, 'Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again, The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent" 

Amazing words that I am holding on tightly to as we head in 2015. No matter what challenges you are facing,  no matter how bad 2014 was for you and no matter how nervous you are heading into a new year, GOD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU. He is fighting our battles, we just need to stay silent. As you head into a new year with new goals and new challenges, I pray that the words of these verses will be planted in your heart. I am grateful that in 2014 God fought for me. He gave strength when I had none, He gave guidance when I needed it most. I look forward to 2015 knowing that I serve a God who fights my battles for me, because in my own strength I am just not up to the challenge.

30 August 2014

June/July Update...

Here is our latest update. I really thought we would have had more time to post while in the States but it has been a busy and jammed pack furlough. Thankful for God's faithfulness!

04 June 2014

April Update

Here is our latest update.  We are so thankful for your prayers and faithful support!

18 April 2014

Project #4...Sponsor a trunk...

Our "Sponsor a trunk" project is back after a success last furlough! Because items are so expensive in Ethiopia, such as clothing, household items and books, we take several trunks with us when we go back. This usually runs between 15-20 trunks, which after allotted airline baggage, cost $200 a bag. Will you help adopt a bag for $200? Help us get personal and ministry items back to Ethiopia! Right now we have 1 1/2 trunks sponsored...

15 April 2014

Project #3... Let's take a ride...

Vehicles are expensive here with a 200% tax. We desire to purchase a second vehicle, which will help with school as well as those children we pick up for church. Due to taxes we need to raise $40,000 to help with this purchase. Vehicles can be a big challenge and while we are grateful for the one we have, the busier we become the more vital having a second vehicle will be. 

11 April 2014

Project #2... Learning your ABC's...

To send both Ermias and Jackson to a local international school, BinghamAcademy, the cost will be $10,000 per school year. We desire to give thema good education either through attending Bingham traditionally or through becoming part of Bingham’s homeschool program. We need to raise $10,000 to help with this expense...This next year we plan on sending Jackson to Bingham and Ermias will be home schooled. The following year, which will fall during our next furlough, we will probably homeschool both boys. Amanda has done a great job with Ermias and enjoys teaching him, even though it makes for a busy week.

10 April 2014

Project #1...Home is where your heart is...

... House rent is paid two years in advance. We have set aside 95% of our current rent price to prepare for our next lease signing. However with current rising prices we still need to raise an additional $4,000 as our lease runs out October 1st. We have been blessed to live in this house for four years and we are praying we are able to resign again. Please pray and consider how you can be apart of this project. Pray that God would also allow us the opportunity to sign a new lease at a good price!

Tomorrow: Learning your ABC's...

09 April 2014


Amanda and I have been busy as we arrived back in the States almost three weeks ago. We have visited four churches and are finishing up a missions conference in Ohio right now. We have been very busy buying a variety of things for our family and for ministry, from books to clothing to homeschool supplies. Tomorrow we will be heading back to Raleigh NC to spend the next couple of weeks. We will be busy visiting churches there as well catching up on medical appointments. Jackson is having  wonderful time and is enjoying Chick-fil-a very much :)

While in Ohio I had the opportunity to visit the Professional Football Hall of Fame with a wonderful friend of mine and fellow missionary, Tim Helton. In this picture we are standing next to the Lombardi trophy, which will be presented to the the upcoming Super Bowl Champion in February 2015. I am grateful I was able to visit a place I have always wanted to visit!

Starting tomorrow we will be sharing with you four projects that we are raising finances for and next week we will be sharing an exciting new opportunity that God has given us in Ethiopia. Pray about being involved in these opportunities.

I will aso give an update on the adoption as we continue to press on.

Trusting Jesus and confident He will always provide.


25 February 2014

Almost Time...

We are just a little over two weeks away from heading back to the States for our second furlough. We look forward to having some rest as well as visiting family and friends. We are disapointed that Ermias will be unable to join us but we are grateful for friends here who will keep an eye on him. The adoption process continues to chug along, albeit at a slow pace at times. New regualtions that will take place in July will make it impossible to do a private adoption here. We have started the process last year and are praying that everything will be ok with our case. Idealy we would love to finalize everything once we get back in August and in October take the family to America so Ermias can meet everyone. That would be a huge blessing, one we will continue to pray about. Next week our January/February update will be posted with pictures from our recent baptisms.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

05 February 2014

One month in...

It has been a few weeks since we updated everyone, but things have been very busy! It is hard to believe that February is now here and next month we will be heading to the States for our second furlough. The adoption process is going slow but steady. New regulations that have been put in place within the last six months have caused more paperwork on our end. Because of this Ermias will have to stay here with friends while we are in America. We are disappointed he cannot go with us now, but are blessed to have wonderful friends who will be watching him and caring for him. We hope that the adoption will be finished in the fall and Ermias and I will go back to the States to finalize. Because of traveling expenses and added expenses for the new paper work, we will need to raise a total of $12,000 instead of the initial $8,000. God has been good and we continue to trust as we move ahead. Our "dream" prayer would be that all four of us could go back in the fall and finalize Ermias adoption. We then would spend a week in Illinois during the harvest with my parents, a week in Florida with Amanda's family and a week in North Carolina with our home church. Something to pray for!