14 July 2012

Even during the rainy season there are a few moments to get outside. Jackson loves to blow bubbles especially with Belet!

12 July 2012

No Greater Love...

If you need a great book to read this summer I would highly encourage you to pick up No Greater Love by author Levi Benkert and Candy Chand. Levi, his wife Jessie, and their four awesome kids work in Ethiopia and attend Bethel. We are very blessed to serve alongside so many wonderful families such as the Benkerts. This book is fantastically written and a very honest look at how God has worked in their family's life. Check it out at amazon.com or look at your local book store. 

11 July 2012

Enjoying some of the new toys before church service last Sunday. Joining Jackson are Aaron, Abby and Favan.