25 January 2016

Sidney the kidney...Perry the pancreas...

Yes, we named Amanda's new organs. And yes, that means she has new organs! :)

Amanda is doing great, she received the call on Thursday morning and on Thursday evening she was in surgery. I found all of this out as I was returning from Ethiopia with my friend Matt. We arrived in Dubai to a text message that Amanda was at Duke, and a text message that our flight from Boston to Raleigh was going to be cancelled because of weather. To make a long story short, Matt and changed our flight to Orlando, rented a car and drove from Orlando to Raleigh on Friday. We arrive around 11 pm and I was able to get up to the hosptial around 2 am on Saturday morning. Over all, our total travel time home was around 44 hours!

Some have asked how I felt when I first found out (via text message) that Amanda was heading to surgery. I have to say that I was just shocked really. It was very surreal as neither Amanda nor I was really expecting something this quick. I wish that I could have been there with her when she went back, but she was in good hands and our friends also came through for us in a big way. Even now, it is hard to believe that Amanda has a new kidney and pancreas. We know the road is still long as she adjust to medicine and a new life, but we are praising God for His provision. God is always good.

There is a chance Amanda will be able to go home tomorrow, which is amazing. We are stocking up on cleaning supplies as the first few weeks are very important for Amanda. She can't be alone for several days as well as she continues to heal. Here is a picture of Amanda's surgery team, they are fantastic!

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