04 January 2015

Amanda Update #4 - January 4

11:15 here in the morning. Sitting in the hospital with Amanda waiting to be transferred to a private room. Everything is going well, just slow. Waiting to talk with the doctor this morning. Her sugar levels have been good and her blood pressure is doing good as well. Not sure what the process will be today, hopefully we will know more soon. Once we talk with the kidney doctor we should know more. Amanda is slowly feeling better, which is a big praise.

Under better circumstances I am going to bring the family back to Kenya. The weather is beautiful and they have several things we don't have in Ethiopia. They have a few American restaurants, better internet, etc. The missionaries we know here have told us we need to travel here to the Indian Ocean. They said it is beautiful.

Will update soon, hope everyone has a blessed day at church. Our church in Ethiopia prayed for us this morning, they are precious people we love dearly.

God is good.



David & Sheri Rhodes said...

Praise the Lord...this is good news...Thank you Jesus

Kevin Carson said...

Great news to hear & share. We are having special prayer for you this morning during our services.

Nancy and Dale said...

Looking for each of your updates. Praising God for the little steps forward he is giving you. Keep looking for the bigger picture of this experience.
Love your family.