06 January 2015

Update #7 - January 6

10:36 here in Kenya and we are sitting in the house of missionaries Jim and Sybil Eberhard. Amanda was released from the hospital around 7 pm this evening. All praise to Jesus for this! She is now asleep and I am on my way to bed as well. I have piles of insurance stuff to go through, tickets to purchase to get back to Addis, but tonight I am just too tired. Amanda is still pretty wiped out, but she is continuing to improve daily. She is supposed to have a follow up appointment in a month here in Kenya, so we will see what we will do. I am planning on sending her paperwork back to her doctor in Raleigh to see what he thinks.

We are excited that Amanda is out of the hospital, but at the same time it is just very overwhelming. It just seems like the last few years have just been hard, and while there have been amazing moments, it just often seems to be one challenge after another. Sometimes you get tired of fighting, sometimes you just want to throw in the towel.

Please pray for Amanda's continued recovery and also for her spirit as well. It has been discouraging for her, but I know that God has a great purpose through this. I have seen Amanda's faith grow so much in the last few years, more than she can realize.

I will try to update again tomorrow. If you are reading our updates for the first time and haven't signed up to receive our updates, just go over to the right and type in your email. You will get a verification email sent to you and from there every time we post something you will automatically receive an email.

I just try to be honest and give some insight on life here in Africa. Thanking the Lord tonight for his protection.

God is good.


Rabbit Hole Ramble said...

Glad things are improving. Praying for you!

fifa-munzen said...

Ich versuche einfach, ehrlich zu sein und einen Einblick über das Leben hier in Afrika. Ich danke dem Herrn, heute Abend zu seinem Schutz.

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